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Voices for Climate Action Programme | Call for Proposals

Voices for Climate Action Programme | Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals

The Alliance welcomes proposals from organizations, collectives, and coalitions registered and based in Zambia to partner in delivering the Voice for Climate Action program. These can be grassroots-based organizations or national-based organizations or umbrella bodies working around climate change adaptation and advocacy especially with a focus on women, youth, urban poor, rural communities, and marginalized groups. Partners will support the creation of multi-stakeholder platforms to co-create, document, and advocate for local solutions, linking and strengthening existing social and grassroots movements around climate action, Public-Private-Community-Partnerships (PPCs) such as informal social audits by bringing the community, particularly those most vulnerable, and duty bearers together on issues of climate change to influence policy.
The Alliance encourages applications from coalitions of local civil society actors (including formal and informal CSOs, CBOs, FBOs, grassroots organizations, local climate action champions etc). Coalitions should include unusual groups and bridge divides (national-local, urban-rural, gender, youth), to amplify the voices for just climate action especially in relation to the following outcomes:
  • Local civil society and marginal groups capacity and collective action are strengthened for an inclusive policy dialogue and leadership for climate solutions.
  • Powerful narrative and shared platform established to effectively amplify the voice of local and national level civil society for just transition.
  • Locally shaped climate solutions (including local food systems, decentralized renewable energy, nature-based solutions, new financial schemes, technology innovation and access, local knowledge and wisdom, governance of natural resources) are documented, formally recognized and adopted.

In this regard, we encourage proposals that seek to engage the following minoritized groups:
  • People with disabilities
  • Youth
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, and Intersex People
  • Women and women groups
  • The elderly/senior citizens
  • Indigenous people and ethnic minorities

We have a strong preference for projects that are designed from an intersectional point of view. This means projects should aim to work with more than one of the above groups to address overlapping vulnerabilities and/or forms of discrimination.

Who is eligible to apply?
  • Locally registered non-profit Zambian organizations
  • Coalitions, networks, consortiums, and alliances with at least one locally registered non-profit Zambian organization with sufficient operational and financial management experience
  • Applicant with a clean human rights record
  • Applicant with a track record on developing and advocating for locally shaped climate solutions
  • Applicant with the ability to link to and mobilize larger networks or capacity to access, mobilize, convene, and influence power-holders
  • It will be considered favorable if the coalitions/organizations:
    • Have prior experience carrying out activities in priority areas (water-food-energy-health nexus).
    • Includes actors not traditionally working in climate justice issues, but that have skills and tools which are relevant and/or scalable
    • Reflects a diverse perspective and intersectionality approach which will enhance participation and strengthen the wider climate justice movement and advocacy
    • Led by or who work with women groups, youth, persons with disabilities, or other marginalized groups.Willing to collaborate with other actors to influence stronger impacts and to build capacity over time and jointly develop and implement a capacity strengthening plan.